Yemoja is the "Mother of the Children of Fishes."
As such, she is the penultimate symbol of
motherhood. Yemoja is the all encompassing
mother; like the sea and Rivers, her ability to
nurture is vast. Though associated with the ocean
in the African Diaspora,
in Yorubaland, Yemoja is
the Orisa of the Ogun river. Yemoja is associated
with the top layers of the ocean-Olokun is
considered the deep, deep realm of the Ocean. The
Ocean is the largest environment for life on the
earth, therefore Yemoja is viewed as the mother
who gave birth to civilization and who continues
Mo juba awo Yemoja.
Iwo ni Ayaba Iya.
Iwo ni Iya Orisha.
Iwo ni Inu Iye Odidi.
Iwo ni Ifihan Ti Abo Ase.
Iwo ni Inu Aiye.
Iwo ni Orisha Obinrin Okun Nla ati Odo.
Iwo ni Oluwa Awo Ti Abo Ipilese.
I humble myself before the mystery of Yemoja.
You are the Queen of Mothers.
You are the Mother of the Orisha.
You are the Womb of all Life.
You are the Feminine Manifestation of the Ase.
You are the Womb of the World.
You are the Goddess of the Oceans and Rivers.
You are the Owner of the Mystery of the Feminine
Yemonja (Yemoja) represents the maternal aspect
of divinity. Originally river deity, Yemonja became
associated with the seas. Her name, Iyemoja,
means “our mother whose children are as
numerous as there are fish”.
Yemonja, saltwater deity, is personalized as
woman ebony of color with full large breasts who
nurtures the world.
From myths, her early
incarnation on earth was that of passive energy in
the creation process. She evolved into the strong,
dominant earth mother after experiencing trials of
disrespect and at times violence. According to a
patiki, Yemonja’s response to a repugnant act that
occurred against her was to plunge from a hill to
the earth. This act caused her stomach to burst
open from which sprang the sixteen orisas and the
first human man and woman. The fluids that came
forth from her produced the rivers, lakes and seas.
Yemonja teaches us to persevere despite what life
brings us.
Though many associate coquetry and sensuality
with Oshun, these attributes truly belong to
Yemonja. She is the sensuality of woman; her
broad hips celebrating the ase to bring forth life.
The turbulence of the sea an artistic portrayal of
the hormonal changes that may contribute to
mood swings in a woman. Once love has grown
cold for her, she sends her lover away while she
remains firmly rooted on her throne.
Each year we celebrate the strength, mystery,
support and love of our ethereal mother. Since we
live in the Midwest, the weather only permits us to
commune with her at the waterfront during the
warmer months. However, she is honored at
various times of the year throughout the world.
Through Cuba, her sacred day is September 8.
Goddess of the Ocean/Rivers and the patron diety
of pregnant women. She is honored not only in
Africa but in Brazil. She is the creator goddess of
the Yoruba tribe. This goddess went with the
members of the Yoruba tribe when they were
captured and taken to various areas in the world as
slaves. She then became very well known and
given different names. This is why she is honored
in Brazil and also how she is associated with
Virgin Mary.
Her followers all wear necklaces of seven blue
beads and seven clear crystals alternating. Yemoja
gave birth to all the waters and is known as the
“mama watta”. Her name is a contraction of
Yoruba words,”Yeye emo eja” which means
“Mother whose children are like fishes.” Her
parents are Oduduwa and Obatala. She married
Agayu and they had one son, Orungan, and fifteen
She is different then most goddesses because she
is, in fact, a mermaid. Her symbols are seashells,
coral, a gourd rattle, an anchor, a key, and
turquoise. In the Umbanda religion, they worship
her as one of the seven orixas of the African
pantheon. She is known to them as the Queen of
the Ocean. Yemoja is the patron of women,
particularly pregant women; fishermen; and sunken
ship survivors.
Yemoja created a tribe and gave birth to all the
water, salt and fresh, so she became a goddess.
Call upon her when you want to connect to your
inner child. She can help you imagine that you too
are a mermaid and can have fun. She can show
you that having fun is important in life just as it is
for working...
After fabricated ship yard sacrifice must made to
Yemoja for it savety in the Ocean..
Iba Yeye Moja.
Reviewed by Caleb Bresh
September 30, 2016