We once had a dream of becoming a Doctor or a Lawyer

We all at one time or the other dream of becoming a doctor or lawyer and pilot, so many are so much compassionate about this as though it is the only job we have In Nigeria. The white lab coat
and the suit freak us ,the fly fly thing that we would pray quietly asking God to grant our wish as a lawyer, doctor or pilot.

Do you remember what career you dreamed of having when you were a kid? When we used to be scared of olodudu and jojo, you quickly realized that those freaky stuffs don’t actually exist
. Kids are terrible dreamers, there are a number of actual jobs that kids often dream of having. Kids typically want these jobs because of the excitement, the fame, or the chance to help other people. Whether or not children realize it, many of these jobs vary drastically in terms of experience needed, education required, and salary.

If you were good at talking your way out of punishments when you were little, your parents might have said you’d make a good lawyer. Of course, the actual workload of a lawyer is probably a bit more difficult than children imagine. Lawyers must go through three years of law school and pass a written bar examination.

Some children want to become doctors in order to help people. There are a variety of types of doctors, ranging from general practitioners to pediatricians to anesthesiologists.

What child hasn’t dreamed of being able to fly? Pilots fly airplanes or helicopters. Commercial pilots fly aircrafts for hire; they might transport people or cargo. Some commercial pilots are involved in rescue operations, crop dusting, and aerial photography.

But here we are, studying early childhood at a college of Education, studying Rural and urban planning at a university and History at a polytechnic. We all are dreamers, we once had a dream but now, we are only waiting for what fate and future have to offer. Only few are living in the reality of what they dreamt about. What about others, are their dreams fake or mere child's play?
We once had a dream of becoming a Doctor or a Lawyer We once had a dream of becoming a Doctor or a Lawyer Reviewed by Caleb Bresh on May 27, 2017 Rating: 5
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