Arbico festival of art and culture (AFESTAC 2017)

Picture of an African woman

                                                          AFESTAC 2017
                                 Celebrating Africa's indigenous heritage
                                                  (strictly cultural and art)

 The human expression finds their way through varied forms of art and cultural activities. The art and culture of Nigeria too represents the vividness of Nigerian lifestyle coupled together with a glorious history of the past to bank upon. One of the major aspects of Nigerian art and culture lies
in the fact that they draw their inspiration from
the rural traditional folk heritage of the region.
In Cape Town this week, a conference on Africa’s creative economy bangs the drum for art, culture and the creative industries. Policymakers looking for ways to nurture a more prosperous and peaceful Africa would do well to listen. A growing body of research indicates that Africa’s culture is a largely untapped resource that could give its economic development a welcome fillip. For too long most African leaders and foreign donors have treated art and culture as at best marginal, at worst irrelevant to core development and peace building agendas. It’s time to shake off these old assumptions, understand more clearly culture’s potential and harness it to make Africa a better place to live.
   Afestac is a vibrant revival of the art and culture of the African race. It aims at showcasing visual and performing art in Arbico land. The foremost college of Education in Nigeria is set to stand as an agent to the rebirth of artistic and cultural programme back on campuses. Get set for one of the biggest show/ concert/ competition/ artistic displays and lots more at Adeyemi college of Education this session which is expected to span for a week. Students can now prepare to showcase their talents during the programme under different categories nging from:
Drum festival
Date and events.

1) Modelling competition
2) Drama competition
3) Dance competition
4) Drawing competition
5) Spoken word competition
6) Music competition
7) Cooking competition.

  With different awards, certificates, cash prize and consolidation gifts available to crown the efforts of the contestants.
   Keep your legs crossed and your hands akimbo as the forms for each group will be released soon. The programme is endorsed by The school management, Ondo State development committee and many more yet to be unveiled.

Follow on instagram @afestac, whatsapp , facebook @Arbico festival of art and culture or call 08147020548.

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Arbico festival of art and culture (AFESTAC 2017) Arbico festival of art and culture (AFESTAC 2017) Reviewed by Caleb Bresh on May 06, 2017 Rating: 5
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