Love! they call it ,
Its fragrance scents like d flowers of a garden,
And adorn with d sweet air of life
 Caleb Bresh••
 Simply, it massage the depth of my soul,
 Ringing fearlessly like the early morning bell,
The four letter words crept into my heart unknowingly,
And its latter experience I cannot describe
 My heart beats speedily on its tarred road ,
And never wants to take a break.
 Caleb Bresh••
 A public scene it creates,
Men gather to see the four letter being,
As many long for its sweet savour,
Others die by it colourless sting
 It arouses d cold waves in her body,
 Flows like an unending stream,
It has no respect nor does it discriminate,
 Its a source on its own,
 A healing herbal ,
And a destructive machine
 Caleb Bresh••
 A destructive machine she says,
When she knows her love has crippled my eyes,
And tamed my heart,
With the fruitless imagination spinning in my head,
Making me ask the question
''Is love for people like me ?''
It creates a platform for it ,
But takes it away when my love starts to consume me,
 And its never reciprocated,
Holy but unrighteous,
 Spotless but also dirty,
That is wat I call Love
Caleb Bresh••
 Quietly, it lightens up my soul,
And place my feet on a different path,
Whispers solemnly to my ears ,
And rubs a balm on my open injury,
She will definitely be yours was the last whisper
 He surrenders to my call,
 He keeps my heart warm,
My soul and body he strengthens,
Oh, this silent listener
Caleb Bresh••
 In the dark, I ride along,
Waiting for this so called missing angel,
The ageless queen who hides in the dark,
Who will rub my soul with the balm of Gilead,
Kiss my lips with her virgin and aged lips,
Hold and fasten my waist to hers,
And urge my back to bark with a fierce tone
 His lips they say tastes like love itself,
It moves him more deeper as his hands will caresses her curves
 Down her thighs
 And her soft sounds keeps him on d run..
 Caleb Bresh••
And swiftly I move for this figure,
Which stands straight and erect in the dark,
With a few gallops at the front,
I proceed to grab her loins,
But alas! it was just an imagination
An illusion...
LOVE LOVE Reviewed by Caleb Bresh on September 13, 2016 Rating: 5

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