Tell my mother I have found a lady
I can call a wife
Tell my brothers I have found a lady
Who will pour oil on my feet
Tell the Nations
I have found the missing damsel
Tell the miners
I have found the lost diamond

Tell then, yes! shout it out loud

Tell them I no longer need to worry
Tell the hosts of Heaven
I have found the missing angel
She is so adorable
Meek, gentle but sick

I found her in the mud
Wallowing in pain
I found her outside the street
Dining with the dogs of the street
I found her in the rain
Shaking profusely like an electrocuted rat
I found her in the desert
Wailing and asking for water
I found her buried in the dead sea
Feasting with the goddess of the sea

But tell them, tell them
I have found her
She is in my inn, watched over by thousands of doctor
Ten thousand cleaners cleaning her room
And million of nurses rubbing her feet
Tell them, I have found the missing damsel

She is right in my house
Feasting on my table
Tell the nations I have found her
She is right here, on the altar with me
Cant you see my ring on her finger?

We have commune on my sofa
Our tongues have made several journeys
Just tell them I have found her
Enough of your fruitless wailing
I have found her
And I have taken her in as a wife.

#Oswald Bresh
#Ironical, just think
THE MISSING BRIDE. THE MISSING BRIDE. Reviewed by Caleb Bresh on September 13, 2016 Rating: 5

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