*Our Females are not ready*
By *Olubowale Damola*
Looking at how events unfolds on daily basis most especially the world at large, one will see that the political scene is changing from what it used to be to a total different thing.
Women over there are no more taken the back seat,they won't even allow the men there to dictate how they go about with their affairs politically .
Despite this revolution or is it resolution, in women politics
I find out African women most precisely Nigerian women are not ready to take over from the men folks.
An average Nigerian woman prefer to be the first lady than to be the president. They give excuses such as the political scene is too tough for a woman.
See, nothing comes easy in life that a woman is on the verge of becoming the first female president in the united state of America is not easy, that the new prime minister of the united kingdom is a female is not easy, that their president is a female in Germany is not easy for her too.
The thing our female refuse to realize is that, they have the power but they lack the will to use it. If Nigerian women keep showing this type of attitude towards politics then the Men folks will rule for a long period of time.
I tell you the greatest opponent a man can face in winning a political seat is woman. Until they stop becoming lazy and really show interest in politics I don't see them posing threat to the men folks in fifty years to come in our country .
They are not ready and they'll never be ready to take over from the men but I challenge them to spend less time in making up and spend more time in bringing up ways and ideas to take over the political seat from the men.
Our women are no longer ready.
Reviewed by Caleb Bresh
September 19, 2016